A one-page is simply a single-page website that uses only one WordPress page. When clicking on navigation links, the user scrolls down the page or jumps to that particular content’s section.

Is an element in a website or one-page that contains specific information. E.g. header, services, about us, team, gallery, testimonial, footer. etc

Yes. You need to have a domain and hosting and have to provide me the login access to your hosting provider or Cpanel. I will do it for free. 

Yes. I can help with domain registration, web hosting, and anything else regarding your website. Contact me for more information about this.

Yes. One free revision is included. After the one free revision, I can maintain your website with additional cost.

Yes, if you are familiar with WordPress you can edit content and make any changes you may need.

We need the content (text and image) for the website. Please take a look at the sample websites. The hosting and domain information is also neended. Please contact us for detailed discussion.

Yes, all our websites will be mobile-friendly. It will run fluently on mobile, tablets & desktops. 

No, if you don’t have the content ready, No problem, We will use “Lorem Ipsum” as dummy content that can replace with your actual content later.